Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys (2014)
Plastik Galaxy mengeksplorasi dunia yang terobosan dan dunia yang menakjubkan dari mainan ‘Star Wars’. Melalui wawancara dengan mantan karyawan Kenner, para ahli, penulis, dan kolektor, film dokumenter ini melihat sejarah, pengaruh, dan nafsu mainan yang mereka hadapi saat ini.
Nonton Hidden Colors 2: The Triumph of Melanin (2012)
Nonton Assassination: Battle For Compton (2017)
Nonton Blood on the Mountain (2016)
Nonton Diana: In Her Own Words (2017)
Nonton Born in Syria (2016)
Nonton Island of the Hungry Ghosts (2018)
Nonton Dream/Killer (2015)
Nonton Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present (2012)
Nonton Behind the Mask: The Batman Dead End Story
Nonton Can Can Diaries (2015)
Nonton Into the Abyss (2011)
Nonton Genius on Hold (2012)
Nonton Mont Saint Michel – Scanning The Wonder (2017)
Nonton The Day the Dinosaurs Died (2017)
Nonton Dawg Fight (2015)
Nonton This Changes Everything (2018)